My 7 reasons why

There are so many bloggers out there, so why am I starting mine?  Well, there are a few reasons. First, as a mom, I think this  is a great way for me to record all of the fun (and challenging) times spent in the kitchen with my son Ayden.  I hope to look back atContinue reading “My 7 reasons why”

Is that Sinatra? Turn it up!

“The dance is one of the many human experiences which cannot be suppressed. Dancing has existed at all times, and among all peoples and races. The dance is a form of expression given to man just as speech, philosophy, painting or music.” For those of you following my blogs, you know that I have aContinue reading “Is that Sinatra? Turn it up!”

Are you aware?

Most of us can probably admit that the feeling of being in control is an empowering feeling, right? But the word “control”  has many different meanings to different people and different situations.  So, let’s get on the same page.  We’re talking about self defense and for the sake of this blog, I’m using the definitionContinue reading “Are you aware?”

Smooth as silk skin

With all of this summer heat, it’s easy to dry out your skin.  Your skin could use a little tender loving care.  Today’s “to learn” lesson should help smooth things out. Today I am blogging about one of the many “spa treatments” that can be enjoyed in the comfort of your home.  Follow me; todayContinue reading “Smooth as silk skin”

It’s so cheesy!

Buongiorno! (bwohn-johr-noh) Good morning! I’ve served myself a large cup of coffee (from my French Press, of course) in preparation for today’s lesson.  Here I go, conquering one thing off my “to learn” list.  Learning lesson number one, “How to make homemade mozzarella cheese”.  I’m part Sicilian;  I feel it’s my natural birth right toContinue reading “It’s so cheesy!”

Just admit it, you don’t know everything

Just admit it, you don’t know everything (and neither do I). Follow my journey as I learn new things everyday. Life is no fun when it becomes a routine.  So, I am keeping things interesting by learning something new every day.  Some things on my “to learn list” are outrageous and some are basic skillsContinue reading “Just admit it, you don’t know everything”

Getting it done! My productivity tips.

People ask me all the time how I accomplish so much on a day to day basis: business operations and marketing for two businesses, attending rehearsals as a professional dancer, event planner, celebrity massage therapist, team captain of Salsambo Dance Company, choreographer, taking time to learn new skills, and still making time to be aContinue reading “Getting it done! My productivity tips.”

Cooking Well

It’s the smell of hand-made tortillas filling the street, the intoxicating smell of jalapeños roasting on the comal, and the seductive smoke and spice mystically coming from a homemade grill while the family gathers and gossips with Michelada’s in hand.  Food cooked well….well, it’s an experience like no other.  Where better to experience it thanContinue reading “Cooking Well”

Injury Prevention For Dancers

Massage is an easy way to de-stress tired muscles and bring back normal functionality to the body. As a Professional Dancer and licensed Massage Therapist, I’m not talking about “normal” as it applies to the general population.  A sense of normal for your average dancer is completely different when it comes to range of motion,Continue reading “Injury Prevention For Dancers”

Health Benefits of Dancing

As a dance instructor, I have found that dancing is one of life’s simple pleasures.  It is an art that can really brighten people’s lives. It breaks the normal day-to-day routine and makes people feel more alive.  Studies show that there are health benefits too.   Dancing aids in emotional and mental levels, burns calories, andContinue reading “Health Benefits of Dancing”